
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Channel Modeling, System Design and Practical Measurements

Presented at Middle East Technical University on May 5, 2023, under the invitation of Associate Prof. Melda Yülsel Tütüncü. This recorded seminar delves into the transformative potential of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS). Explore how RIS is shaping the landscape of wireless technology and uncover the future of wireless communication

SimRIS Channel Simulator for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

The "SimRIS Channel Simulator," detailed in the paper "SimRIS Channel Simulator for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered Communication Systems", addresses a critical gap in 6G wireless network research. This study, accepted at LATINCOM 2020, presents a robust RIS channel model for mmWave frequencies, encompassing indoor and outdoor scenarios. The open-source SimRIS Channel Simulator, accessible at File Exchange and GitHub, facilitates computer simulations for RIS-assisted communication systems, addressing practical 5G channel modeling challenges.

RIS-Aided Angular-Based Hybrid Beamforming Design in mmWave Massive MIMO Systems

This groundbreaking study, accessible at IEEE Xplore, introduces an innovative reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-enhanced angular-based hybrid beamforming technique for mmWave massive MIMO systems. The proposed architecture optimizes RF beamforming, baseband processing, and RIS phase shift design, effectively reducing RF chains and channel estimation overhead. Utilizing the particle swarm optimization algorithm, the RIS-AB-HBF system showcases increased reliability and flexibility in system design, as highlighted in the upcoming IEEE GLOBECOM 2022 presentation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

MATLAB Toolbox Development For The Research Community: SimRIS Channel Simulator

Introduced the SimRIS Channel Simulator toolbox, a pivotal development for accurate physical channel modeling in sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) support. The MATLAB toolbox, presented at the Turkey Academic Forum 2023, signifies a significant stride in the realm of wireless communication research.